DfE confirm boarders permitted to return before 8 March

Posted: 26th February 2021

The Department for Education has confirmed to BSA that boarders are permitted to return before 8 March.

Following our lobbying efforts, the Department for Education (DfE) has this evening (Thursday, February 25) confirmed to BSA that boarders can return early to the UK.

The DfE statement says:

“I can confirm that boarders are able to return to the UK early in order that they can serve the required quarantine period before school starts on 8 March.

“Arrangements for their quarantine should be in place before they travel and these arrangements must be in accordance with the arrangements for red list and non red list countries as laid out in Schools coronavirus (COVID-19) operational guidance (publishing.service.gov.uk).”

Conversations with the devolved administrations are ongoing.

UPDATE – 9.55am, 26/2/21: The DfE has confirmed this morning that a return to the boarding house prior to 8 March is also allowed for UK boarders.

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