BSA update: Amber list rules for entering England – update, 2/8/21

Posted: 2nd August 2021

Following extensive lobbying and contact with government departments during July, particularly during the past week, BSA is pleased to receive the following confirmation from Department for Education (DfE) today regarding the quarantine situation for boarders travelling from amber list countries. BSA is very grateful to colleagues at DfE for their work in securing the appropriate clarification for the sector:

Where pupils travel from abroad to attend a boarding school, schools need to explain the rules to pupils and their parents before they travel to the UK. All pupils travelling to England must follow the guidance set out in government travel advice.

Boarding school pupils who are ordinarily resident in the UK, including those who are unaccompanied and who are attending boarding schools on a child student visa or student visa, who have travelled from or through amber list countries (and have not been in a red country or France in the previous 10 clear days), are exempt from the requirements to quarantine and take a day 8 test.

Those aged 11 to 17 need proof of a negative COVID-19 test to travel to England (children aged 10 and under are exempt from this) and those aged 5 to 17 must take a COVID-19 travel test on or before day 2. More information is provided in the government’s quarantine and testing guidance.

Additional guidance is provided on the quarantine arrangements for boarding school pupils travelling from red-list countries to attend a boarding school in England.


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