Boarders together, always

Posted: 1st March 2022

“In boarding schools across the world today there will be young people deeply concerned by the situation in Ukraine.

“Some of those young people may be from Ukraine or neighbouring countries. They may be from countries outside Europe or they may be from Russia itself.

“Where they are from does not matter, because if you are a young person at a boarding school you belong to a family.

“A family that sees beyond nationality, race, religion, colour or creed.

“A family that looks out for all its members and unites to help everyone.

“A family that understands the needs of all are greater than that of any one person.

“If you are one of those young people draw strength from that family of friends and staff in your boarding house, just as you do from your own family.

“For while one country remains strong in defence of its borders, so the bonds of boarding have in turn never been stronger.”

Robin Fletcher, CEO, BSA and BSA Group
March 1, 2020

Categories: Sector News