Free up some time by letting us take the strain when it comes to managing allergies. It’s not just the expertise of Sarah, Jen and Katharine that comes with joining the Schools Allergy Register. Did you know we have an army of other allergy experts on hand to help you, a library of online resources for schools, online allergy and anaphylaxis training and we run half termly drop-in sessions to answer all your allergy-related questions?
All this is free for your staff to access when you join the growing number of schools working with us.
Speaking of reminders, a 2025 gets underway please make sure your list of pupils with allergies is up to date and any changes have been recorded in their Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP) and that you have checked adrenaline pens are in date.
Check your IHPs now
Members can read our article about Individual Healthcare Plans and what they should include. There’s also a link to a couple of templates.
Q&A with Allergy GP
Dr David Mass is a General Practitioner with a special interest in allergy. He will be talking about how GPs can support families living with allergy and will take questions on all aspects of diagnosis, treatment and day to day living with allergies. Free to school members, £20 to non-members.
At the start of this term Sarah (pictured) and Katharine were out at schools giving talks to staff and running anaphylaxis drills as part of INSET day programmes. This is a great way to develop your whole-school approach and to support your teams to understand their role in reducing risk and keeping pupils with allergies safer.
Dates for your diary 📆
29th January: Member school staff can join our online drop-in. The Allergy Team will be on hand to answer your questions between 12 and 1pm.
20th January: Dr David Mass Q&A. 8-pm.
That’s all for now
Please let us know what you’d like to see more of (or less of) in our newsletters. In the next edition we’ll be talking about managing birch pollen season and, in a nod to Valentine’s Day, we’ll be sharing some tips to help teens navigate relationships with allergies.
Sarah and The Allergy Team
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Categories: Sector News