Sandroyd School

Head: Mr Alastair Speers
Telephone: 01725 530124
School Address: Rushmore, Tollard Royal, Salisbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom, SP5 5QD


Number in School: 228
Number of Boarders: 140
Boarding Age: 7-13
Boarding Type: Day Boarding, Flexi Boarding, Full Boarding, Weekly Boarding - (Monday to Sunday)
School Type: Co-Ed

Head of Boarding: Mr Tom Blomfield
Head of Boarding Email:
Head of Boarding Contact Number: 01725 516264

Sandroyd is a wonderfully unique family school, set in an idyllic environment, that ‘prepares’ children in the very broadest sense – offering academic excellence, and so much more. Sandroyd nurtures a child’s confidence and self-esteem whilst encouraging each individual pupil to fulfil all aspects of their potential: academic, artistic, cultural, sporting and social.

Childhood should be relished, enjoyed and remembered fondly – which is why pastoral care is absolutely central to everything that we do at Sandroyd. Our friendly and nurturing boarding environment equips children with the confidence and skills to really challenge themselves, to be happy, and to succeed.

Our location, in the centre of over 500 acres of fields, woods and parkland, is idyllic. Our stunning environment allows pupils to take part in a wide variety of sports, and to learn outside of the classroom. There is untold value in giving children the freedom and space to grow and develop in a safe setting.

We encourage pupils to be ambitious and try their hardest in all they do – to embody the school’s motto (Niti est Nitere) “to strive is to shine”. We also encourage them to communicate well and to listen and respond to the needs of others; to learn independently, as well as learning to be a good team member; to have confidence, as well as learning to be resilient, and to persevere when the going gets tough.

Boys and girls need nurturing and stretching in equal measure. I believe that it is very important that boys and girls should have the space to grow together, especially at this formative age. Most importantly, it is crucial that they are able to appreciate, understand and value each other. After all, life is co-educational, and we are at our very heart, a family school.


Years 7 – 8 £10,620 – Boarding N/A
Nursery £41 per day Lunch
Pre-Prep £3,660 N/A
Year 3 £6,530 – Day, or £8,410 – Boarding N/A
Years 4 – 6 £8,780 – Day, or £10,620 – Boarding N/A