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UK travel update: red list and vaccinations

7th October 2021

This evening (07.10.21), the UK Government announced changes to the Red List and to those countries whose vaccines will be accepted, click here to read the full statement. Please note these changes…

International Boarding Day – October 9, 2021

1st October 2021

Saturday, October 9, sees us celebrating this year’s International Boarding Day, sponsored by our sister organisation, the Health in Education Association (Hieda). This year’s theme is health and wellbeing, and…

England: Schools COVID-19 operational guidance including official Amber wording – 17.08.21

17th August 2021

The Schools COVID-19 operational guidance for England has just been released and now includes the official amber list wording for boarding pupils. Read the full guidance here Sections with specific references to boarders…

BSA update: Amber list rules for entering England – update, 2/8/21

2nd August 2021

Following extensive lobbying and contact with government departments during July, particularly during the past week, BSA is pleased to receive the following confirmation from Department for Education (DfE) today regarding…

BSA update: Amber list rules for entering England – update

27th July 2021

Member schools are continuing to ask if BSA has clarity on quarantine arrangements for boarders returning from Amber List countries. We have also been made aware that two schools have…

BSA update: DfE communication regarding visitor visas and sponsors

15th July 2021

Further to an email members in England received on June 30 from the DfE regarding visitor and visa sponsors, we have been advised the DfE will be issuing the update below…

BSA Group launches new health and wellbeing association

6th July 2021

The BSA Group is launching a new membership association to champion health and wellbeing education in schools, colleges, universities and workplaces. The Health in Education Association (Hieda), which will officially…

DfE communication regarding visitor visas and sponsors

1st July 2021

Members in England will have received an email from the DfE yesterday (June 30) afternoon which indicates that study for less than six months at an independent school will no longer be…

BAISIS celebrates successful first year as part of BSA Group

30th June 2021

  The British Association of Independent Schools with International Students (BAISIS) is continuing to go from strength to strength after celebrating its first anniversary as a member of BSA Group….

BSA Certified Guardians available to support students affected by Hong Kong flight ban

28th June 2021

Following the Hong Kong government’s announcement on Monday (28 June) that all passenger flights from the UK will be prohibited from landing in Hong Kong from 0.00am on July 1…