King’s School Rochester was delighted to welcome Brigadier Salzano for the biennial inspection of the Combined Cadet Force contingent last week. On top of meeting all inspection requirements, Brigadier Salzano…
Isla, a pupil at King’s School Rochester, received her award for Young Musician of the Year last week at the Brook Theatre in Chatham. It was a night of celebration…
All the toys and gifts collected from King’s School Rochester waiting for delivery at St Francis of Assisi church in December 2022. Pupils at King’s School Rochester brought in new…
On Monday 5th December, Ben Charles, the Principal at King’s School Rochester announced the appointment of Air Commodore John Maas CBE MSc RAF (ret’d) as the new Chair of Governors…
Pupils and teachers at King’s School Rochester have a great deal to celebrate today with an overall 96% pass rate (grade 4 and above) and a significant increase in performance…
Sixth Form leavers at King’s School Rochester were able to experience the send-off they deserved this week.
King’s School, Rochester has been recognised by the Chartered Institute of IT by achieving the first level of the new National Computing Quality Framework. King’s School, Rochester is the first…