This seminar will give participants an overview of the statutory obligations which may influence a range of school policies which are relevant to students for whom English is an additional language, including an EAL policy. It will explore key considerations when developing a robust EAL policy and link these to best practice examples from a range of different school contexts.
Training topics:
Education policy, statutory guidance and obligations, teaching standards, school self-evaluation and developing a context relevant, robust EAL policy.
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the session, participants will
Speaker: Dr Helen Wood, Head of School Partnerships, Password English Language Testing Ltd
Helen is Head of School Partnerships at Password, an online testing company specialising in assessment for EAL learners, where she supports schools in utilising Password’s test platform gathering feedback from them for future product development. Prior to that she was Head of EAL at d’Overbroeck’s in Oxford for nearly 18 years.