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BSA training session – Facilitating inclusive transitions

Thursday 12 May, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

  • Date: May 12, 2022
  • Time: 10:30 – 12:30
  • Cost: Full Member – £100, Non-member – £200
  • Audience: Head, Deputy Head, DSL, Inclusion Lead, Head of Boarding, Boarding staff, Teaching and Support staff, Head of Year.
  • Platform: Zoom (online)

This session will explore the notion of transition, especially with regard to the increased diversity of the background experience of students. The session aims to offer insight into the value of pupil voice in the development of an inclusive school and providing actionable strategies.

Transitioning to secondary school and moving through the different educational stages pose challenges for students, teachers and parents. The hidden emotional effects of transition from known environments into unknown ones, particularly when combined with adolescence are not insignificant.

Training topics will include:

  • Examining the erosion of wellbeing and the hidden emotional burden of transition
  • Sharing effective strategies for staff to use with students and parents to help foster inclusive transition
  • Talking about transition with students from diverse backgrounds
  • Managing student and parental expectation.

Learning outcomes:

Attendees will have an increased understanding of the emotional burden of transition as well as increased confidence in discussing transition and implementing strategies to ease transition.


Speaker: Coco Stevenson, Educational Consultant

Coco has been a senior leader in schools for many years, including South Hampstead High School and Paul’s Girls’ School. She was most recently Deputy Head Pastoral at City of London School. Coco now practises as an Educational Consultant and speaks, advises and consults widely on both Safeguarding and on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion within the educational sector. She is a school governor and a passionate advocate for inclusive education.


Thursday 12 May
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Event Category: