Course outline:
The wellbeing of both staff and boarders are vital to cultivating and sustaining healthy high performance, as individuals and as a community. This seminar will give delegates the opportunity to review, consider and plan the development of a culture of wellbeing across their whole school.
After events surrounding COVID-19, people are more conscious of pressures of work and home life, and a need to be proactively working to develop a safer, healthier, and happier culture for everyone, and this includes an awareness of wellbeing and mental health risks. Boarding is a fantastic environment to both live and work in, but it also comes with its own demands both physical and emotional. These can impact students and staff, and the wellbeing of both directly corresponds to each other. As a school, a commitment to putting wellbeing at the centre of strategy and decision making offers a strong framework for success for everyone involved; students and staff alike.
Training topics will include:
Learning outcomes:
Andrew Lewin, BSA Senior Consultant
Andrew Lewin was International Director at the BSA before moving into a consultant role. His broad remit offers a range of services to boarding schools worldwide. He has considerable experience working with boarding school staff all around the world and lived and worked in boarding schools for much of his life.
Andrew has set up his own company in 2020, Project 1000 Ltd, that focuses on educational consultancy and resilience coaching. He is a WRAW Master Practitioner, trained by the Wellbeing Project, and offers life coaching, diagnostic assessments, workshops and seminars. He is also Education Development Director for Performance Learning, an NSPCC Associate and an IAPS Consultant, as well as a Director of Wiltshire & Swindon Sport and Team Removals.