Course outline:
Safeguarding practice with adults and children involves exceptional communication, no more so than working with conflict and harm. This webinar introduces some key elements of restorative approaches, restorative practice, mediation and restorative justice. A great introduction to get you thinking about how restorative approaches may support those difficult conversations with and between children, young people, colleagues, parents, carers and partners.
Training topics will include:
Learning outcomes:
Claire Dan, Director of Safeguarding BSA Group, and Director, Sacpa
Claire is Director of Safeguarding and Director, Sacpa and leads on the provision of safeguarding advice and support to members and the development and delivery of CPD and safeguarding consultancy services. Claire is a safeguarding specialist and leader with a background in education welfare, youth justice, and early help contexts which have involved a strong focus on diverse and collaborative partnerships, professional development and supervision of front-line safeguarding colleagues, and leading multi-disciplinary teams and projects. Between 2006 and 2013 Claire was involved with Luton Safeguarding Children Board as a lead multi-agency safeguarding trainer, developing and delivering single and multi-agency safeguarding training, and since 2013 has delivered pieces of bespoke consultancy work, and providing a range of safeguarding consultancy on a freelance basis.