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SACPA – DSL certificate for educational guardians

Tuesday 27 August, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

  • Date: August 27, 2024
  • Time: 09:00 – 16:00
  • Cost: SACPA Member Rate: £215, Non-member Rate: £490*
  • Audience: Those needing level 3 safeguarding training and who carry out the DSL role in Educational Guardian, Guardian agency and Agent operations.
  • Platform: Zoom (online) – certificate

Course outline:

This training is also available on a consultancy basis, delivered face to face, or online.

This one-day DSL training has been prepared specifically for educational guardians in their role of DSL but is also suitable for other individuals responsible for safeguarding in their business. The programme aims to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding required to fulfil their roles and responsibilities with integrity and to a high standard.

The day will ensure that practitioners carrying out DSL and safeguarding lead roles as part of their business are:

  • aware of relevant statutory requirements
  • aware of the latest safeguarding concerns
  • appropriately responding to concerns, making reports or referrals
  • working with a range of statutory and non-statutory support agencies including schools.

Training topics will include:

  • Understanding the role of the Educational Guardian as DSL and the role of DSLs and safeguarding leads in education and other agencies
  • The legislative framework, statutory and regulatory compliance
  • Understanding the threshold of child protection including a deeper understanding of key categories of abuse and contemporary safeguarding issues such as contextual safeguarding and digital safeguarding
  • Specific safeguarding concerns, including:
  • Female Genital Mutilation
  • Forced Marriage
  • Child Sexual Exploitation, Criminal Exploitation and Trafficking
  • Tackling extremism
  • Child-on-child abuse
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Safeguarding files and accurate recordings
  • Learning the lessons from Serious Case Reviews
  • Contributing to statutory and early help safeguarding meetings
  • Professional code of conduct and Position of Trust, allegations and low-level-concerns
  • Escalation of safeguarding concerns and whistleblowing.

Learning outcomes:

  • Attendees will be taught through a range of methods including presentation and scenario / case study based group work and discussion.

Delegates will:

  • be clear about their roles and responsibilities as safeguarding leaders
  • increase confidence and knowledge of a broad range of contemporary safeguarding concerns
  • practice applying their knowledge of pathways of need and referrals
  • practice their understanding of thresholds of child protection and early help and how to effectively work with other agencies such as schools and contribute to multi-agency safeguarding discussions.


Claire Dan, Director of Safeguarding and Director, Sacpa

Claire is Director of Safeguarding and Director, Sacpa and leads on the provision of safeguarding advice and support to members and the development and delivery of CPD and safeguarding consultancy services. Claire is a safeguarding specialist and leader with a background in education welfare, youth justice, and early help contexts which have involved a strong focus on diverse and collaborative partnerships, professional development and supervision of front-line safeguarding colleagues, and leading multi-disciplinary teams and projects. Between 2006 and 2013 Claire was involved with Luton Safeguarding Children Board as a lead multi-agency safeguarding trainer, developing and delivering single and multi-agency safeguarding training, and since 2013 has delivered pieces of bespoke consultancy work, and providing a range of safeguarding consultancy on a freelance basis.


Tuesday 27 August
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Event Category:


The Safeguarding and Child Protection Association (Sacpa)
+44 (0)207 798 1585
View Organiser Website


Virtual – Zoom
United Kingdom + Google Map