After almost eight years at Gordon’s, Rob and Heather Pavis are swapping the leafy surrounds of Surrey Heath for the surf on the North Devon coastline where Rob will take up the Headship at Kingsley School in Devon.
Rob, Deputy Head (Pastoral) and Heather, who heads up China House, moved to Gordon’s in 2014 from Steyning Grammar School in Sussex where Rob was Assistant Head and Director of Boarding.
While Rob’s time at Gordon’s involved leading a five year digital strategy and developing the sport and curricular at the school, it was through the pandemic that his prowess really came to the fore. Who could forget the cartoons, online assemblies, the ‘disappearing’ Japanese cooking lesson? All were enthusiastically devised and implemented by him.
For while online lessons were prioritised and quickly instigated, he was determined that students shouldn’t miss out on the pastoral side and so set about keeping them connected to the school through assemblies and their boarding and day Houses with weekly zoom meetings, quizzes and competitions.
Reflecting on that time, in which he and other members of the senior leadership team worked for some 18 months without a holiday, often late into the evenings and at weekends, Mr Pavis says: “We were keeping the school going during Lockdown, when we had no idea what to do or how to do it and were making it up day by day but conscious that if we didn’t do something the whole community would just fall apart. Quite straight forward to keep the curriculum going but the pastoral side, deciding Zoom House meetings – they were brilliant, they kept the school together; kept the Houses together.”
His biggest achievement at Gordon’s, he says, was welcoming the first boarders into the bespoke Year 7 boarding house, Woolwich. “I conceived it, was involved in the design and the building and it has completely transformed boarding here. Whenever you go down to Woolwich it is just packed full of happy kids. It is light and fun, exciting and everything that boarding in Year 7 should be. It’s just magical there”.
And the most rewarding part of his job? “The greatest satisfaction from my work and the biggest joy that I have here is seeing the children happy. I secretly stand by and just look at happy children and I get such a warm glow from knowing that I am part of making that happen. That is the most fulfilling role”.
What is he most looking forward to about taking over the Headship of Kingsley School with students ageing in range from babies to young adults? “I’m looking forward to ultimately building something that has my name on it” he said, adding: “Keeping Heather out of the nursery will be my greatest challenge!”
For Heather’s part, once she reaches her new seaside home, Mrs Pavis plans on taking time out, perhaps restarting her vintage wedding catering business. But high on her agenda is paddle-boarding!
Reflecting on over seven years at Gordon’s as a Head of House, she said: “I love the job, have always loved it. I have never had a day when I’ve woken up and thought ‘I don’t want to go to work today’.”
“This has just been the most amazing place to work. When you get into the bones of what Gordon’s is about it’s how much the staff care about each child, I think it is just second to none. It’s something I haven’t experienced in the same depth at other schools. You know every child, what makes them tick – and blow up! You just know them. It’s been an absolute pleasure and privilege” she says, adding: “A large part of me does bleed green”.
Categories: Gordon's School School News