Felsted Musician of the Year Competition

Posted: 9th March 2022

Felsted School hosted their annual Musician of the Year Competition in February. The day was a wonderful and inspirational celebration of Music at Felsted, with over 80 individual performances taking place throughout the day in a number of different categories! In the evening, the outstanding Prizewinners’ Concert took place, where all the finalists from each category performed again to compete for the overall prize of ‘Felsted Musician of the Year 2022’

Felsted was delighted to welcome Mr James Woodhall, Director of Music at St Edmund’s College, to adjudicate the competition. He is a passionate composer, who encourages students to engage, experiment and enjoy music in all its forms, and he gave skillful and encouraging feedback to every performer

“There was a wonderful supportive atmosphere throughout the whole day and everyone performed brilliantly” comments Mr William Warns, Director of Music at Felsted School.

During the day, there were the individual instrumental and vocal classes, and after each class, Mr Woodhall had the unenvious task of deciding the third, second and first place of every class. These prizes will be awarded to the students during Lists and Prize Giving on Felsted’s Speech Day in the Summer. Mr Woodhall also awarded a number of ‘Highly Commended’ too.

The audience was treated to a programme of spectacular performances at the finalists’ concert, from Woodwind performances, to Strings. The overall prize was awarded to Sana A-J, Year 13 for her percussion and organ performances.

Categories: Felsted School School News