Sneak peek! Harrogate school unveils series of family-friendly events

Posted: 11th October 2023

A LEADING Harrogate independent school has announced a series of engaging events for families considering the next stage in their child’s education.

Planned for the Autumn term and beyond, these open events at Ashville College are aimed at pupils joining the school for the next academic year in Acorns for 2 to 4-year-olds, Reception class, Year 7, and Sixth Form.

Head Rhiannon Wilkinson said: “After record numbers attended our Open Morning in September, we are pleased to continue the momentum and spread the word about Ashville through a series of engaging and tailored events for families of children at key transition points in their education.”

The first of four Acorns and Prep School Open Doors mornings will take place on 25 October 2023 during a working school day. Families of children aged 2 to 11 will be able to see current pupils and teachers ‘in action’ and take a tour of the classrooms and outdoor learning and play spaces.

A Sixth Form Options Fair on Thursday 16 November will introduce Year 11s to the Sixth Form at Ashville. The event will cover the Sixth Form curriculum, including all A Level and BTEC courses, the Future Ready programme, external trips, and co-curricular offer, and enable visitors to look around the Sixth Form facilities and social spaces.

This will be followed on Saturday 18 November by a Year 7 Taster Day, which aims to help Year 6 pupils preparing for the leap to secondary education to experience Ashville Senior School life. Children will be able to take part in a range of short taster lessons, from Cooking and Creative Writing to Latin and Maths, sports, and other activities, rounded off with a tasty lunch in the Dining Hall.

And in the run-up to the festive season, a Reception Open Morning on Saturday 25 November has been given a magical twist: an ‘Enchanted Forest’ theme. Parents can meet with Reception Class Teachers while children take part in fun classroom-based activities, including story time, crafts and making their very own box of treasures, before sitting around a fire and having a warm drink. This is a limited capacity event, with a guaranteed spot for only the first 15 families that register.

Mrs Wilkinson added: “We recognise visits to our school are as much for prospective pupils as their parents, if not more so, to enable them to get a feel for Ashville and our unique community.

“We hope the children visiting us will enjoy meeting our staff and taking part in the interactive sessions, in the case of the Year 7 Taster Day and Reception Morning. We want them to be able to imagine themselves attending Ashville ‘for real’.

“At each stage, we hope, as an absolute minimum, families enjoy their visit, gain the answers to the questions they arrive with, and walk away a step closer to that all-important decision about the right school for their child.”

You can find out more about Ashville’s upcoming open events at

Categories: Harrogate Ladies' College