Dallam School

Telephone: 015395 65165
Email: boardingadmissions@dallamschool.co.uk
Web: https://dallamschool.co.uk/
School Address: Dallam School Milnthorpe Cumbria LA7 7DD

Number in School: 1050
Number of Boarders: 139
Boarding Type: Day Boarding, Flexi Boarding, Full Boarding, Weekly Boarding - (Monday to Friday), Weekly Boarding - (Monday to Sunday)
School Type: Co-Ed

Head of Boarding: Miss Hodge
Head of Boarding Email: boardingadmissions@dallamschool.co.uk
Head of Boarding Contact Number: 015395 63377

Dallam’s long-established boarding provision offers a highquality and excellentvalue academic and boarding experience.  Our boarders benefit from:

  • High academic standards with an extensive programme of sports, clubs, performing arts and outdoor pursuits, including Duke of Edinburgh Award 
  • Set in an enviable, safe location on the edge of the English Lake District World Heritage Site with easy transport links. 
  • Modern, individual, en-suite rooms, and traditional shared boarding rooms. 
  • Full and weekly boarding.  No exeat weekends. 5% discount to siblings, NHS and blue light services and forces families. 

“…the relationships between boarders and staff are extremely good, and the general standard of behaviour and community spirit exhibited by the boarders was excellent, and amongst the best I have encountered.” – Boarding Schools’ Association 2021.

2020-21 £12160-£13550 All tuition, accommodation, meals, laundry and transport between the boarding campus and school