Old Swinford Hospital

Telephone: 01384 817300
Email: admissions@oshsch.com
Web: https://www.oshsch.com/
School Address: Old Swinford Hospital, Heath Lane, Stourbridge, West Midlands, United Kingdom, DY8 1QX

Number in School: 638
Number of Boarders: 371
Boarding Age: 11-18
Boarding Type: Day Boarding, Flexi Boarding, Full Boarding, Termly
School Type: Co-Ed

Head of Boarding: Louise Green, Registrar
Head of Boarding Email: lgreen@oshsch.com
Head of Boarding Contact Number: 01384817302

Founded in 1667, Old Swinford Hospital is a state maintained boarding school, one of just 37 in the country. Parents pay only for the cost of accommodation and after-school care. Education is funded by the Local Authority. In addition, the school benefits from generous donations from the Feoffees (Trustees) to support capital projects and subsidise a wide range of activities.

The school offers admission for three types of places: boarding, flexi-boarding and day. Pupils can only join as day students or flexi-boarders in Years 7 or 12. Pupils entering in Years 8-10 must enrol as weekly/termly boarders.

Academic achievement is important and the School can boast impressive pass rates for both GCSE and A Levels, but it is only one element of life at OSH. There are an exciting range of extra-curricular and weekend activities available that enrich school life, develop potential and play a significant part in creating happy, fulfilled and well-adjusted young people.