Richard Huish College, based in Taunton, is designated outstanding by Ofsted. We are proud to be one of the best Sixth Form Colleges in England, proven by our consistent rankings in the top ten for A Level performance and acknowledgment as the highest achieving College in the South West of England.
We have an enviable reputation in the local area built upon a long history of excellence. This reputation is also growing through our successes with international students, housed in Oak House, our boarding house, or in Homestay accommodation.
Your pastoral care is very important to us and Oak House has two live-in House Parents who will help you settle into life in Taunton and with your studies at Huish. Throughout the week and on a weekend there is a planned programme of Enrichments for you to take part in. This includes use of the sports hall, cooking, film nights, fashion and beauty and Challenge the Houseparent competitions. Trips are also organised to celebrate special times such as Chinese New Year and Christmas or to just have some fun!
We provide an environment in which young people can make an effective transition from school to university or employment. Whatever their level of achievement at GCSE or equivalent, if they really want to succeed then we provide a powerful combination of excellent A Level and vocational courses, personal support and enrichment.