Certified Supplier

School Teeth

School Teeth offers a service aimed at reducing pupil absences due to orthodontic and dental treatment.

Orthodontic treatment for children can provide numerous benefits for their oral health, bolstered self-esteem, and increased confidence. Approximately 40-50% of children embark on this transformative journey. However, the current orthodontic treatment landscape presents certain challenges, characterised by its lengthy commitment, involving a multitude of appointments spanning several months. The demand for after-school appointments remains high, yet available slots are limited. Consequently, many students are forced to schedule their appointments during school hours, directly affecting their valuable learning time.

As clinicians ourselves, we’ve listened to the concerns voiced by parents and teachers, and have devised a solution: School Teeth.

Our mission is simple – to make orthodontic and dental care more convenient for schools, parents, and most importantly, your
pupils. With our specialised mobile on-site orthodontic and dental clinic, we bring the care directly to you, saving your pupil’s
valuable learning time whilst minimising disruption for parents and school staff.

Services Provided by Partner


+44 (0) 7921503484

School Teeth
Sixty Six
North Quay
Great Yarmouth
NR30 1HE

Areas Covered by Partner